​When you’re interviewing for a new job, it’s not just about impressing your potential employer. It’s equally crucial to evaluate if the company and team you’re considering align with your values and work style. Asking insightful questions can provide a clearer picture of the company culture, leadership style, and overall work environment. Here are five top questions you should consider asking your interviewer to gain a deeper understanding of the team leader, company, and culture:

1. Are there any concerns about my CV or gaps that you’d like me to address?

Why Ask This?

This question allows you to proactively address any reservations the interviewer might have about your qualifications or experience. It shows self-awareness and a willingness to improve, which can make a positive impression.

What You’ll Learn:

By asking this, you can clarify any potential misunderstandings or concerns about your background, which gives you an opportunity to explain how your skills and experiences align with the role. It also demonstrates your readiness to address and rectify potential issues, which can be reassuring to the interviewer.

2. How are successes or achievements celebrated in the team?

Why Ask This?

Understanding how a company recognizes and celebrates accomplishments can give you insight into its culture and values. It helps you gauge whether the team values recognition and how they motivate their employees.

What You’ll Learn:

This question will reveal the company’s approach to acknowledging hard work and achievements. Whether it’s through formal awards, team shout-outs, or informal celebrations, the answer will help you understand what motivates the team and how they maintain morale and engagement.

3. What is it you enjoy about working with the team but also the wider firm?

Why Ask This?

Asking the interview panel what they particularly enjoy about coming to work provides a personal perspective on the company culture. It’s an opportunity to hear genuine feedback about the working environment and team dynamics.

What You’ll Learn:

The response will offer insights into the positive aspects of working at the company and help you gauge the interviewer’s enthusiasm and satisfaction. It also allows you to understand the strengths and highlights of the work environment from someone who’s experienced it firsthand.

4. What is different about working here compared to other companies you have worked for?

Why Ask This?

This question helps you identify what sets the company apart from others and can reveal unique cultural elements or practices that may not be obvious from the job description alone.

What You’ll Learn:

The answer will provide a comparative view of the company’s culture and practices. It will help you understand what makes the company unique and how its environment and practices stand out from the rest of the industry or past experiences of the interviewer.

5. How are team suggestions and feedback taken on board or implemented?

Why Ask This?

Understanding how feedback is handled within the team indicates how open the company is to employee input and continuous improvement. It reflects on the company’s commitment to a collaborative work environment and respect for diverse opinions.

What You’ll Learn:

This question will give you an idea of the company’s approach to incorporating feedback and whether it fosters a culture of openness and innovation. It helps you assess whether you’ll have a voice in shaping processes and contributing to the team’s success.


Asking these questions during your interview not only provides you with crucial information about the team, company, and culture but also demonstrates your proactive and thoughtful approach. The answers you receive can guide your decision-making process and ensure that you find a work environment that aligns with your career goals and personal values. So, come prepared, ask these insightful questions, and make sure the role and company are the right fit for you.